NexT 8.7.1 Released

🌟 New Features

  • Add pace-js (#352)
    -# Progress bar in the top during page loading.
    -# For more information:
    - enable: false
    - spinner: true

    +# For more information:
    + enable: false
    + # All available colors:
    + # black | blue | green | orange | pink | purple | red | silver | white | yellow
    + color: blue
    + # All available themes:
    + # big-counter | bounce | barber-shop | center-atom | center-circle | center-radar | center-simple
    + # corner-indicator | fill-left | flat-top | flash | loading-bar | mac-osx | material | minimal
    + theme: minimal

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fix image caption generated by pandoc with fancybox enabled (c377515)
  • Use MathJax.typesetPromise (7b8cf30)

🛠 Improvements

  • Optimize the style of beian image (#350)
  • Separate fancybox scripts (2eaf869)

🌀 External Changes

  • Update dependency hexo-renderer-marked to v4.1.0 (#343)
  • Update dependency mocha to v9.1.1 (#344)

📖 Documentation

  • Hide options for customizing the CDN URLs from _config.yml (#351)

🌍 Localization

  • New Crowdin updates (#342)

For full changes, see the comparison between v8.7.0 and v8.7.1

Detailed changes for NexT v8.7.1