
Theme for Hexo

Statistics and Analytics

NexT will not send record to analytics service provider as long as the page's host name does not match url option set in Hexo config file. This will prevent local debugging from polluting analytics. Make sure you have configured url correctly, otherwise these statistics tools may not work as expected.

Analytics Tools

Google Analytics

  1. Create an account and log into Google Analytics. More detailed documentation

  2. Edit NexT config file and fill tracking_id under section google_analytics with your Google track ID. Google track ID always starts with UA-.

    NexT config file
    # Google Analytics
    tracking_id: UA-XXXXXXXX-X
    only_pageview: false
  3. When field only_pageview is set to true, NexT will only send pageview event to Google Analytics.
    The benefit of using this instead of only_pageview: false is reduce a external script on your site, which will give you better performance but no complete analytics function.

Baidu Analytics (China)

Login to Baidu Analytics and locate to site code getting page.

Copy the script ID after hm.js?, like the following picture:
NexT Baidu Analytics

Edit NexT config file and change the value of baidu_analytics to your script ID.

NexT config file
# Baidu Analytics ID
baidu_analytics: your_id

Growingio Analytics

Official documentation:

Edit NexT config file and change the value of growingio_analytics to your project ID.

NexT config file
# Growingio Analytics
growingio_analytics: # <project_id>

Cloudflare Web Analytics

Official documentation:

Edit NexT config file and change the value of cloudflare_analytics to your project ID.

NexT config file
# Cloudflare Web Analytics

Microsoft Clarity Analytics

Official documentation:

Edit NexT config file and change the value of clarity_analytics to your project ID.

NexT config file
# Microsoft Clarity Analytics
clarity_analytics: # <project_id>

Matomo Analytics (Self-managed)

Edit NexT config file and fill server_url and site_id under section matomo with the url of your backend server and your customized site ID.

NexT config file
# Matomo Analytics
# See:
enable: false
server_url: #
site_id: # <your site id>

Umami Analytics (Self-managed)

Umami is a self-hosted web analytics solution. Official documentation:

Edit NexT config file. Fill script_url under section umami with your tracking script URL, and change the value of website_id to your website ID.

NexT config file
# Umami Analytics
enable: true
script_url: #
website_id: # <your website id>
host_url: # <your umami site url>

Plausible Analytics (Self-managed)

Opt for paid managed hosting or self-host it on your server. Official documentation:

Edit NexT config file. Fill script_url under section plausible with your tracking script URL, and change the value of site_domain to your website domain.

NexT config file
# Plausible Analytics
enable: true
script_url: #
site_domain: #

Counting Tools

LeanCloud (China)

Adding article reading times counting to NexT theme. Documentation how to set the counter up and running safely aviable in hexo-leancloud-counter-security.

  1. Create an account or log in to LeanCloud, and then click the button to create an application in dashboard.
  2. Go to the application you just created, select Settings → App Keys in the lower left corner, and you will see your APP ID and APP Key.

Install hexo-leancloud-counter-security by executing the following command in site root dir:

npm install hexo-leancloud-counter-security

Edit Hexo config file and add following content:

Hexo config file
enable_sync: true
app_id: <your app id>
app_key: <your app key>
username: <your username> # Will be asked while deploying if is left blank
password: <your password> # Recommmended to be left blank. Will be asked while deploying if is left blank

Edit NexT config file and fill options under leancloud_visitors section.

NexT config file
# Show number of visitors to each article.
# You can visit get AppID and AppKey.
enable: true
app_id: #<app_id>
app_key: #<app_key>
# Required for apps from CN region
server_url: # <your server url>
# Dependencies:
# If you don't care about security in lc counter and just want to use it directly
# (without hexo-leancloud-counter-security plugin), set the `security` to `false`.
security: true


Firebase Analytics provides the functionality of visitor statistics.

Login to Firebase to get apiKey and projectId. The Web API Key gets generated once you go into the "Authentication" section for the first time.


More detailed documentation

  1. Create a Firestore database in Firebase console.


  1. Apply these rules in Firestore Database Rules:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /articles/{document=**} {
allow read, create: if true;
allow write: if;
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;

This configuration allows anyone to read the visitor count but prevents unauthorized writes to the database.


Edit NexT config file and add or change firestore section:

NexT config file
enable: true
collection: articles #required, a string collection name to access firestore database
apiKey: #required
projectId: #required

Note: Firestore visitor counting tracks unique visitors (UV) only. The count won't increase on page refresh as it uses browser's localStorage. To test the counter:

  • Clear localStorage in Developer Tools
  • Use incognito/private mode
  • Use different browsers

Busuanzi Counting (China)

Edit busuanzi_count option in NexT config file.
When enable: true, global setting is enabled. If total_visitors, total_views, post_views are all false, Busuanzi only counts but never shows.

When total_visitors: true, it will show site UV in footer. You can also use font-awesome by setting total_visitors_icon to the name of the icon.

NexT config file
total_visitors: true
total_visitors_icon: fa fa-user

When total_views: true, it will show site UV in footer. You can also use font-awesome by setting total_views_icon to the name of the icon.

NexT config file
total_views: true
total_views_icon: fa fa-eye

When post_views: true, it will show page PV in post meta. You can also use font-awesome by setting post_views_icon to the name of the icon.

NexT config file
post_views: true
post_views_icon: far fa-eye