
Theme for Hexo


Select Version

The NexT theme will continue to release new versions to include new features and bug fixes. We recommend that ordinary users use the latest released version. If you want to experience the latest unreleased features or bug fixes, you can try the master branch version from git. If you want to develop or debug, you can also choose a stable old version.

Option 1: Download the Latest Release Version

At most cases stable. Recommended for beginners.

Option 2: Download the Latest Master Branch

May be unstable, but includes latest features. At most cases useful and recommended for advanced users and for developers.

Option 3: Download the Specific Release Version

In rare cases useful, but not recommended.
You must define version. Let's take v8.0.0 as an example. Replace it with any version from tags list.

Get NexT

There are 2 recommended ways to download NexT: npm and git. You need to choose only one of them. Other installation methods, such as downloading and decompressing the theme source code in zip format from GitHub, are not recommended, because the installed theme is difficult to manage and upgrade.

Change dir to site root directory in the command line first, and then continue with the following steps.

Using npm

If you're using Hexo 5.0 or later, you can install hexo-theme-next through npm.

npm install hexo-theme-next@latest

This variant will install the latest release version.

npm install hexo-theme-next@8.0.0

This variant will install the specific release version.

Using git

You can clone the source code of NexT via git:

git clone themes/next

If you encounter any network problems with the above command, you can try to set up a http proxy first:

git config --global http.proxy http://proxy-server:port

This variant will install the whole repository (with .git directory inside).
And in any time you can update current version with git (instructions below) and switch to any tagged release or on latest master or any other branch.

After cloning the repository, you can switch to a specific release version. First, you need to list all available tags:

$ cd themes/next
$ git tag -l

For example, you want to switch on v8.0.0 tagged release version. Run the following command:

$ git checkout tags/v8.0.0
Note: switching to 'tags/v8.0.0'.
HEAD is now at f27e45b Release v8.0.0

If you want to switch on latest release version without defining tag (optional)

git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))

And if you want to switch back on master branch, run this command:

git checkout master

And if you see any error message during update (something like «Commit your changes or stash them before you can merge»), recommended to learn Alternate Theme Config feature. Howbeit, you can bypass update errors by Commit, Stash or Discard local changes. See here how to do it.

Set It Up

When NexT download will complete, we must go back to previous guide and follow Enabling NexT instructions.
